How to Create an Elegant Wedding Table Display?

How to Create an Elegant Wedding Table Display?

When it comes to weddings, creating an elegant and visually striking decor setup is key to impressing your guests and setting the right mood. One focal point that shouldn’t be overlooked is the wedding table display. The following photograph captures a stunning example of this, featuring beautifully arranged flowers, chic furniture, and elegant lighting. Let’s break down the components to understand how to recreate a similar setting for your wedding, including estimated costs.

How to Create an Elegant Wedding Table Display

1. Floral Arrangements

The table is adorned with lush floral arrangements that complement the white and green color scheme. Here’s what you need:


White roses, hydrangeas, and greenery are primarily used. A professional florist can provide bouquets ranging from $100 to $200 each, depending on the size and types of flowers used.


Choose clear or gold-accented vases to match the theme. Prices range from $20 to $50 per vase.

2. Furniture and Lighting

A chic setup like this requires specific furniture and lighting choices to enhance the ambiance.


A gold-trimmed table provides a sophisticated look. The price of a table like this can range from $300 to $1,000.

Pedestal Stand:

A polished gold pedestal supports a macaron tower. Pedestal stands like this can cost around $200 to $300.

Backdrop Frame:

The metal backdrop frame adds depth and structure. Prices vary from $300 to $1000 depending on size and material.

Candles and Holders:

Tall, elegant candles in clear holders add warmth to the display. Sets of holders can cost between $30 and $80, while candles themselves may cost around $20 to $50.

3. Other Essential Elements

The finishing touches bring the whole setting together:

Macaron Tower:

A decorative and edible centerpiece, this tower provides a sweet touch. Prices for macaron towers range from $150 to $400 depending on size.

Fabric Draping:

The backdrop consists of soft, flowing curtains that add texture and elegance. The fabric can be purchased or rented, costing around $10 to $20 per yard.

Budget Breakdown

A simple breakdown of potential costs for this setup:

  • Flowers: $600 – $1,200
  • Furniture and Lighting: $30 – $2,300
  • Other Elements: $200 – $600

Elegant Wedding Table Display

This gives an estimated total cost between $1,800 and $4,100 for recreating a similar setup, excluding labor and delivery fees. Remember, prices can vary significantly based on location, seasonality, and specific choices, so it’s essential to consult local vendors to get an accurate estimate tailored to your wedding needs.

Creating an elegant wedding display like this one requires thoughtful planning and a careful selection of decor items. However, with a clear vision and realistic budget, you can achieve a similar stunning setup for your special day.

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