Wedding cake display table ideas

Wedding cake display table ideas

Wedding cake display table ideas

Wedding cake display table ideas-There is endless designs for display tables to show off your wedding cake. This dessert masterpiece deserves the extra pizzazz as a reception centerpiece that everyone will appreciate.

Creating a Wedding Cake Display

Your display table doesn’t have to be huge or grand, but it should be inviting and appealing. If you don’t have the faintest idea how to begin designing it or laying it out, enlist some help. Most often, caterers, bakers, or decorators will handle the entire display table setup and teardown, so you won’t have to worry about it at all if you don’t want to be involved. But if you do want to have a say, go for it. You can dictate visual arrangements or even set up the whole display by yourself.

Display Factors

Before diving into the set-up process, you should think about a few factors that will influence the look of your display.

  • Size: How big (or small) is your cake? If you’re serving a single-tier small wedding cake, it might look silly or out of place on a large table with only a cloth for company. Similarly, if you have a huge wedding cake, it may dwarf a small table and create a strange visual effect. Thus, make sure well in advance that you can get ahold of a table that’s proportionately sized and will showcase your cake in the right way.
  • Quantity: If you have more than just one wedding dessert, you’ll want to display the options attractively. Wedding cupcakes look great in a cupcake tree or on a multi-level cupcake stand. Cookies or macaroons can look beautiful on elevated, antique-inspired plate stands, and éclairs or other pastries might look best on old-fashioned platters. Provide enough room to fit all the desserts comfortably on the wedding cake display table without cramming them in or spreading them out too much.
  • Freshness: Does your cake need to be refrigerated in advance of display and serving? If so, you’ll need to leave plenty of space for it at the table and transfer it to the right spot just before the reception. The same concerns apply to fresh flowers or any other perishable display items.
  • Decorations: Is your cake really elaborate? If so, it might be best not to snatch attention away from it by crowding the dessert table with a lot of other decorations or flourishes. But if your dessert is simple, with minimal decorations, you can feel free to make the display table a little fancier.

Design Ideas

There are some fantastic designers for wedding cake displays out there; to check out a sampling of the possibilities, try a quick Internet search or head to the library and look at an assortment of design books for weddings.

Dispense with the traditional dessert “table” and set your baked goods on something a bit more interesting. Match it to the style, color, and vibe of the decoration scheme for your ceremony. If you want, you can even make the piece do double duty by using a piece of furniture you already own or buying something that you’ll be able to use in your home after the wedding.

Your wedding color scheme is a huge factor in the way your display table will look. If you want to be traditional, you’ll have a white tablecloth, but you can scatter fresh flowers or bouquets of any color scheme on the table to add some visual pop. To mix things up further, use a colored tablecloth or incorporate some bright artwork into the display. Setting a painting, a collage, or even a sculpture within the display is a unique touch that will make the final look especially memorable.

Make Sure Your Cake Is Remembered

Arranging a gorgeous setup for the final course will ensure that your cake gets the attention it deserves and that it will be able to live on for years in photos that will document the special day of your ceremony.


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